Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Review: Ennara and the Fallen Druid by Angela Myron

by Angela Myron
Patchwork Press
Middle Grade Fantasy
182 pages
ages 10+

When a mysterious curse threatens to transform everyone into shadowy demons, a magical eleven year-old girl must travel to a sunken city ruin—fighting pirates, monsters, and an undead sorcerer along the way—to find a weapon that can save her world.


The fantasy world built up in this book is lovely - full of magic. Ennara's a headstrong little girl, who has to struggle with her own magic (since she doesn't really know how to use it yet) but still, does what has to be done. She's a wonderfully strong character (not snippy), who knows she can't do everything but is determined to do as much as she can.

This story had a nice mixture of darker moments, adventure, friendship and funny episodes (zombie chickens!). Of course, there were some interesting twists built in too - all of which kept the story moving from one page to the next. Unlike many fantasy books written for this age group, this one seems to be geared more for the lower/middle end. The writing and vocabulary are much simpler than in many fantasy books, and at 174 pages, it doesn't scare hesitant readers away with its size.

The story itself flowed well, holding enough tension to keep the reader curious what was going to happen next. The only thing I found a bit uncomfortable was that the writing seemed a little too simple. But by no means will this chase kids away.

This is the first book in a series, and I'm definitely curious to see where Angela takes Ennara next.

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