Be Careful - Home Series
by Kriss Keller
Be Careful
Home books and their main characters, Pompy and Titany, become everyday
guardians of your children. They teach them to beware of the dangers as well
warn parents to not neglect the safety of children by leaving dangerous objects
within their reach.
The Be Careful-Home Series
The Be Careful-Home Series
by Kriss Keller
Clink Street Publishing
Picture Book
ages 2+
Clink Street Publishing
Picture Book
ages 2+
Be Careful Home books and their main characters, Pompy and Titany, become everyday guardians of your children. They teach them to beware of the dangers as well warn parents to not neglect the safety of children by leaving dangerous objects within their reach.
In this book, Pompy and Titany learn about sharp things.
This series drew my attention right away, not only because of the topic, but the out-of-this-world appearance of the characters especially caught my eye.
Pompy and Titany find many things in their house, which might prove dangerous to curious young hands. But they know what they are, and happily point them out.
My favorite part of this book are the illustrations. They have a modern air about them, while remaining simply and even slightly whimsical. Kids will have no trouble identifying the objects and enjoy watching Pompy and Titany point them out.
On each page is a short little rhyme, describing what is going on. The word choice is well thought out and cute. The messages are clear and especially fun as a read-aloud. Unfortunately, the wording doesn't flow as well as it could and causes a little bit of stumbling. Still, kids will get the point in the fun.
Especially younger ones will have no problem grabbing the message and will probably go on a hunt themselves to point out the dangers they find in their own houses.
by Kriss Keller
Picture Book
Clink Street Publishing
ages 2+
Be Careful Home books and their main characters, Pompy and Titany, become everyday guardians of your children. They teach them to beware of the dangers as well warn parents to not neglect the safety of children by leaving dangerous objects within their reach.
In this book, Pompy and Titany learn about hot things.
In this book, Pompy and Titany learn about hot things.
With super cute characters, this book journeys through an everyday household and points out where 'hot' dangers might be waiting.
Pompy and Titany are characters easily to fall in love with. The illustrations bring them to life in a cute and meaningful way. The situations they cross are clear and understandable, and completely recognizable in the pictures as well. These are dangers kids will recognize and understand.
The text is kept simple and at a minimum, making it great for even younger listeners. The rhymes are sweet, when not always smooth. But the message comes across in a way kids will grasp--loud and clear.
It's a terrific way to teach young listeners about the dangers around them and what to look out for in their own environment. And they get to flip through colorful illustrations again and again as well.
And here she is. . .

Kriss Keller is the art brand founded in 2014 by Kristina Kucerova. Kucerova studied teaching and Fine Art at the Comenius University in Bratislava. She went on to study graphic communications at St. Louis Community College in the United States. She has built a career working as a child care professional with clients around the world. Her writing is inspired by her work with children, and she combined her graphics skills with a desire to prevent childhood injuries. Kucerova lives and works currently at Zurich, Switzerland.
1 comment:
Thank you so much for your lovely words and review. :-* Kriss Keller
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