Monday, May 22, 2017

Your Stories Matter Tour: You're So Clumsy Charlie by Jane Binnion

by Jane Binnion
Illustrated by Colin Shelbourn
Picture Book
ages 4+
48 pages

You're So Clumsy Charley written by Jane Binnion & illustrated by Colin Shelbourn throws us into the wonderful world of Charley who is dyspraxicand always seeming to get into trouble by accident. Fed up of school because he feels different from the rest of the children it isn’t until he meets his Auntie Bella that everything changes

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With colorful, fun illustrations and situations that many kids can relate to, this story is a lovely way to gently introduce the problems of Dyspraxia.

Charley isn't happy with life. Everything he touches seems to go wrong. When he visits his Aunty, she's  not only unconcerned but thrilled, telling him that he's just like her. Soon he learns that his little accidents aren't nearly as important as he believes them to be.

Charley is a kid who doesn't feel comfortable with himself, and this book does a great job of bringing across the message that little quirks aren't anything bad, and that everyone is good at something. Even kids without dyspraxia will sympathize with the message and learn something from the story. But it's not that this message feels overly preachy. Although it does take center stage in the book, Charley's journey is fun to follow. 

The illustrations are a mixture of black and white, and color. They are enjoyable, colorful and bring the story to life. It's easy for young readers to flip through them even when no one happens to be reading aloud.

At the beginning of the book, a short list of various difficulties children might have as well as a short, but informative description of each one. 

Based in Kendal, Cumbria Paul Johnson is the founder of Your Stories Matter and the parent publishing company Explainer HQ which provides creative video, audio, animation and print to the business and education sector. All Your Stories Matters titles are published in paperback and are available to order from online retailers including

For more information please visit: and follow on Twitter @ysm_books

Your Stories Matter Blog Tour

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15th May

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17th May

18th May

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20th May

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28th May

29th May

30th May

31st May


Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

A very nice review. This sounds like such a valuable book for young people.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the very informative review.