This is my stop during the blog tour for Einstein's Compass by Grace Blair. Read on for more information about the book and a giveaway with 13 prizes! This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 24 till 30 June. See the tour schedule here.

Einstein's Compass
By Grace Blair
YA Time Travel Adventure/ Historical Fiction/ Science Fiction
Release Date: January 1, 2019
What if young Albert Einstein had a magical compass that inspired his theories of relativity?
In Einstein's Compass: A YA Time Traveler Adventure, a young Albert is given a supernatural compass that allows him to travel through time and space, and find wisdom in other dimensions, including the lost city of Atlantis. But evil forces seek the power of the compass, including a monstrous, shape-shifting dragon from a different age. Can the compass protect Albert from such villainy?
Links Einstein’s Compass:
- Goodreads
- Amazon
- Audible
- Bookbub
- Barnes & Noble
- Kobo
You can watch the book trailer for Einstein’s Compass on Youtube
Listen to a sample of the audiobook here
Einstein’s Compass was a finalist for the 13th annual NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE AWARDS. See all the finalists here.
Einstein’s Compass is an Award-Winning Finalist in the Fiction: Young Adult category of the 2019 International Book Awards. See all finalists.
Johann perked up. “Hey, did you bring your compass?”
Albert brightened at the question. “Of course, I have my compass. Why?”
“The monks at the brewery have their annual treasure hunt tomorrow.
Guys, our age will be competing, and I signed us up. There’ll be a lunch
buffet afterward, too,” he added, never one to pass up a good meal. “I
bet your compass will give us an edge!”
Guys, our age will be competing, and I signed us up. There’ll be a lunch
buffet afterward, too,” he added, never one to pass up a good meal. “I
bet your compass will give us an edge!”
“Could be,” Albert said thoughtfully. “A treasure hunt, eh? Interesting.”
* * *
A crowd gathered on the east side of the Ammer Lake Holy Mountain. The
early morning sun broke over the summit. Five Benedictine Monks
passed out papers with instructions to the hunters. The scavenger hunt
would begin at nine a.m.
early morning sun broke over the summit. Five Benedictine Monks
passed out papers with instructions to the hunters. The scavenger hunt
would begin at nine a.m.
The dark-haired, blue-eyed, thirtyish monk, Dr. Peter Collins, stood on a
step stool in his brown monk’s habit. Looking out over the crowd, he
cleared his throat, and in a loud, enthusiastic voice shouted, “Good morning
everyone! Welcome to our annual scavenger hunt commemorating the
feast day of Mary Magdalene. Today you will be seeking replicas of ancient
relics in our Monastery, one of which is that of the venerable saint herself.”
step stool in his brown monk’s habit. Looking out over the crowd, he
cleared his throat, and in a loud, enthusiastic voice shouted, “Good morning
everyone! Welcome to our annual scavenger hunt commemorating the
feast day of Mary Magdalene. Today you will be seeking replicas of ancient
relics in our Monastery, one of which is that of the venerable saint herself.”
Johann surveyed the crowd from the middle of the pack and guessed there
were about thirty or so; 15 teams of two boys each, like him and Albert.
Albert held the piece of paper they’d been given when they registered.
were about thirty or so; 15 teams of two boys each, like him and Albert.
Albert held the piece of paper they’d been given when they registered.
Johann noticed that the bully, Werner von Wiesel, was at the center of a group
of his toadies—boys who sucked up to him because his father, a retired
Prussian Army colonel, was considered an “important citizen” of Munich.
From Johann’s perspective, Werner was just a spoiled rich kid. But for
some reason, he seemed to have it in for Albert. He rarely passed up an
opportunity to give Albert a hard time.
of his toadies—boys who sucked up to him because his father, a retired
Prussian Army colonel, was considered an “important citizen” of Munich.
From Johann’s perspective, Werner was just a spoiled rich kid. But for
some reason, he seemed to have it in for Albert. He rarely passed up an
opportunity to give Albert a hard time.
As Johann reflected on Werner, the brother continued. “Each team has an
instruction sheet with a map of the area. At the bottom of the map, you will
see that there is a list of map coordinates and clues that relate to some of the
monastery’s the relics.” Then he looked up with a mischievous smirk.
“However, to make things interesting, not all coordinates or clues apply to
the relics we have placed out for this hunt.”
instruction sheet with a map of the area. At the bottom of the map, you will
see that there is a list of map coordinates and clues that relate to some of the
monastery’s the relics.” Then he looked up with a mischievous smirk.
“However, to make things interesting, not all coordinates or clues apply to
the relics we have placed out for this hunt.”
“How many relics are there, Brother Peter?” Werner wanted to know.
“The monk’s smirk broadened into a grin. “Well, if we told you that, Werner,
it would take away some of the fun.” The boys groaned.
it would take away some of the fun.” The boys groaned.
“When you find a relic, we want you to write what that relic is next to the clue
that hints at it. Do not touch or remove what you find. We want everyone to
have a chance to complete the hunt.”
that hints at it. Do not touch or remove what you find. We want everyone to
have a chance to complete the hunt.”
The monk looked down and consulted his notes, then continued his spiel.
“When you have located all the relics you can find and noted their locations
on your map, bring your entry form to the dining hall. One of our brothers
will take it and record the time.”
“When you have located all the relics you can find and noted their locations
on your map, bring your entry form to the dining hall. One of our brothers
will take it and record the time.”
The abbot looking very serious said, “Since I’m sure you will have built
up quite an appetite on your quest, your team will then proceed to the
dining room for a hearty lunch.” He smiled and nodded, allowing the
resulting cheer to dissipate.
up quite an appetite on your quest, your team will then proceed to the
dining room for a hearty lunch.” He smiled and nodded, allowing the
resulting cheer to dissipate.
“The winner will be based on the number of relics you find, the accuracy
of your notes on the relics you have identified, and the speed with which
you found them.”
of your notes on the relics you have identified, and the speed with which
you found them.”
“What will I be winning this year, Brother Peter?” Werner haughtily called
The monk waited for the catcalls and jeering to stop, then said, “We’re
not revealing the prize in advance, Werner, so you’ll just have to wait to
find out.”
not revealing the prize in advance, Werner, so you’ll just have to wait to
find out.”
After the predictable grumbling, the monk asked, “Okay, any questions?”
“Enough talking! Let’s get started!” Werner hollered impatiently. The monk
held up his hands and frowned at Werner. “Hold your horses, Werner. We
want to make sure everyone knows what they need to know.
held up his hands and frowned at Werner. “Hold your horses, Werner. We
want to make sure everyone knows what they need to know.
Werner scowled and glared, looking threateningly around the room. Many
of the boys cringed at Werner’s anger, and no one dared ask a question.
of the boys cringed at Werner’s anger, and no one dared ask a question.
The monk waited, then, hearing no questions, nodded, “Okay then. Gentlemen,
you may begin!”
you may begin!”
Most of the boys rushed off on the hunt. Werner managed to bump into
Albert as he rushed by, nearly knocking him over. “Oops, sorry Einstein,”
he sneered insincerely as Albert regained his balance.
Albert as he rushed by, nearly knocking him over. “Oops, sorry Einstein,”
he sneered insincerely as Albert regained his balance.
Though they were as eager as the rest of the boys to start their search,
instead of rushing off aimlessly, Albert and Johann trotted over to the green
lawn next to the Monastery’s central walkway and sat down. Albert wanted
to approach the hunt rationally. He laid the map on the grass and took out
his precious compass.
instead of rushing off aimlessly, Albert and Johann trotted over to the green
lawn next to the Monastery’s central walkway and sat down. Albert wanted
to approach the hunt rationally. He laid the map on the grass and took out
his precious compass.
“What are you going to do with the compass, Albert?” Johann wanted to know.
“I’m not sure, but I felt like it might help us focus on the clues and where we
want to go,” he replied as Johann settled himself next to him, watching with
want to go,” he replied as Johann settled himself next to him, watching with
Albert opened the top of the gem-encrusted compass and set it on the map as
he considered the layout. The morning rays were reflecting on the device’s
face. Looking at the map and then the topography of the surroundings, Albert
tried to determine where they needed to go. He pointed to the map and said,
“The first set of coordinates is 47.58 North 11.118 East, but it’s not clear
exactly where that is.”
he considered the layout. The morning rays were reflecting on the device’s
face. Looking at the map and then the topography of the surroundings, Albert
tried to determine where they needed to go. He pointed to the map and said,
“The first set of coordinates is 47.58 North 11.118 East, but it’s not clear
exactly where that is.”
As Albert spoke the coordinates, a beam of violet light suddenly shot out
of the compass extending to a point on the map. Both boys gasped in shock.
They could not believe what they saw.
of the compass extending to a point on the map. Both boys gasped in shock.
They could not believe what they saw.
Johann gulped and whispered, “What was that?!”
Albert could only stare as the light disappeared. Then he closed his eyes and
rubbed his temples as if he was trying to ease an ache. “I have no idea. It’s
scientifically not possible.”
rubbed his temples as if he was trying to ease an ache. “I have no idea. It’s
scientifically not possible.”
What reviewers have to say about Einstein’s Compass:
"Under Grace Blair and Laren Bright's hands, Einstein's Compass is more than just another time travel story, but one of soul searching, enlightenment, and classic struggles between good and evil. During this journey, young Albert embraces the threat of death and world-changing perspectives. Indeed, Albert will change the world, one day. But the roots of his knowledge and endeavors take a different turn in a riveting fantasy about soul-searching and growth which will keep young adult readers engrossed to the end." ~Midwest Book Reviews Diane Donovan, Senior Editor
"I was impressed with how the authors managed to incorporate the known information on the lost continent of Atlantis, Light Workers, souls, reincarnation, time travel and the early years of Albert Einstein before he became famous, into a mesmerizing work of fiction readers will have difficulty putting down." Doug Simpson, Author of "We Lived In Atlantis"
"I recommend Einstein's Compass as historical fan-fiction, the magic, and fantasy built on top of the factual world of Albert Einstein. Although it is intended for a Young Adult audience, it is well suited to adults who enjoy fictionalized history with a wide-ranging epic theme and a Harry Potter-esque plot. Jacqui Murray, Author of Ask a Tech Teacher
"The extended combination of history and magic was an unexpected mix, which pulled me in from the beginning, captivating me all the way to the surprising ending. This novel takes you from the early childhood of Einstein, which includes an illness that may have contributed to his perspective on the world around him as he grew older. It is refreshing to find a combination of history, religion, and folklore told in such a compelling manner with just the right amounts of magic and suspense. Rox Burkey, Author of The Enigma Series
Albert Einstein was fascinated with time and space from an early age, but what inspired him? Receiving a magical compass from his father, Albert sets off on a journey to learn more than math and science offered to understand even time and space. Unfortunately, an ancient evil from the days of Atlantis also seeks his compass and will stop at nothing to have it. Can the Agents of Light protect Albert from the shape-shifting dragon and help him achieve his destiny, or will he fall prey to the dangers of his day and lose the powerful device before he completes his mission? The combination of science with the supernatural is a winner, and the good vs. evil fight is interesting, making this a good book for YA readers. InD'Tale Magazine, Sarah E Bradley
Einstein's Compass exhibits a solid writing style and dutifully hits Einstein's developmental and educational milestones while weaving in an imaginative backstory and unique antagonists' perspectives. The what if of Albert Einstein developing his landmark scientific theories through the aid of spiritualism and time travel, all the while battling an immortal dragon-person from Atlantis, is certainly a unique concept. Booklife Magazine a division of Publisher's Weekly

Grace Allison Blair is an award-winning self-help and motivational author, and podcast host, who has assisted thousands to find their spiritual wisdom to solve everyday challenges.
Throughout her adult life, Grace became a serious student of the spiritual. She found that, often, psychological principles and practices were incomplete, but could be filled out by adding the missing spiritual component. Her approach was always to see practical applications for what she uncovered in the mystical. It was through immersing herself in this field of study and experience that she came up with her idea for her book, Einstein’s Compass.
Grace is a successful award-winning author, modern mystic, wellness consultant, business development advisor, marketing coach, and workshop facilitator. She has faced many life challenges, including a life-threatening disease, and used what she encountered as a stimulus to gain greater happiness and fulfillment.
You can find and contact Grace Blair here:
- Website
- Bookbub
- Goodreads
- Amazon
- Instagram Einstein’s Compass
There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Einstein’s Compass. These are the prizes you can win:
- 1 signed Einstein’s Compass hat (US Only)
- 1 compass (US Only)
- 5 e-copies of Einstein’s Compass (International)
- 5 audiobook copies of Einstein’s Compass (International)
- 1 Amazon gift card $10 (International)

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Einstein’s Compass. These are the prizes you can win:
- 1 signed Einstein’s Compass hat (US Only)
- 1 compass (US Only)
- 5 e-copies of Einstein’s Compass (International)
- 5 audiobook copies of Einstein’s Compass (International)
- 1 Amazon gift card $10 (International)

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
1 comment:
I love time travel in stories.
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