by Thea Feldman
Illustrated by Natalie Kwee
Simon Spotlight
Children's Non-Fiction
32 pages
ages 5 to 7
Learn all about the careers you could have if you love video games in this fascinating nonfiction Level 2 Ready-to-Read, part of a new series that gives readers a sneak peek at how they can turn their passions into careers!
Do you love playing video games? Then you could be a video game writer, animator, or programmer! Learn about these careers and more in this book that includes a glossary and backmatter section of even more cool jobs for kids who like gaming!
With bright illustrations, this book introduces young readers to several carrier paths they probably didn't know about before.
This is a Level 2 Reader and just right for kids to learn more while hitting a topic, which many will find interesting. The book is small, yet packed with information in an easy to read way. Starting out with a glossary of more difficult vocabulary and the definitions, the book is divided into several, practical chapter, which include an introduction and three carrier possibilities. The end offers a list of several more carriers which relate to the field as well as a short description.
Young readers will have no trouble understanding the information at a level and in a way they can connect to. The illustrations make certain that a light atmosphere runs along with the descriptions, keeping it from becoming a dry read.
And here they are...
The Author...
Thea Feldman, a children's book writer and editor, has helped develop early reader series for various major children's book publishers. She is also a lifelong animal lover and has written numerous children's books about animals, worked at the Wildlife Conservation Society, and is a writer and editor for the Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals. She especially enjoys the opportunity to write early readers about animals. Her cat, Rose, loves to sleep on anything Thea has written.
The Illustrator...
Natalie Kwee is an architect turned illustrator. After spending seven years in New York, she now lives in Singaporew but works anywhere in the world with a good internet connection and decent tacos. Her illustrations span from children's books to wall murals, and her clients include Netflix, Youtuve, Singapore Airlines, and Uniqlo. She spends her free time honing her skills as a petting expert with her dog Lola.

by May Nakamura
Illustrated by Natalie Kwee
Simon Spotlight
Children's Non-Fiction
32 pages
ages 5 to 7
Learn all about the careers you could have if you love dolphins in this fascinating nonfiction Level 2 Ready-to-Read, part of a new series that gives readers a sneak peek at how they can turn their passions into careers!
Do you love dolphins and the ocean? Then you could be a marine biologist, an aquatic veterinarian, or an underwater filmmaker! Learn about these careers and more in this book that includes a glossary and backmatter section of even more cool jobs for kids who like dolphins and other marine life!
Taking on a love many kids have—dophins—, this read attempts to inspire and demonstrate carriers which young readers might not have heard about before.
At 32-pages, this is a compact read, full of information. It starts out with a glossary of tougher vocabulary words before heading into the chapters, which give a short description of the love for dolphins and three carrier possibilities. Several more carriers are listed on the last page along with a short description for each one.
Not only is this written at a level the intended age group can easily understand, but it's kept exciting enough to keep readers from growing bored too easily. The job descriptions are kept light and give a rough overview of what is expected and how kids might prepare (in easy ways).
The illustrations are bright and add enough fun to keep readers from feeling bogged down. It's a lovely mix.
And here they are...
The Author...
May Nakamura writes and edits books for children. She grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area but now lives in New York City. She really likes eating maple donuts and playing hide and seek (but not at the same time)!
The Illustrator...
Natalie Kwee is an architect turned illustrator. After spending seven years in New York, she now lives in Singaporew but works anywhere in the world with a good internet connection and decent tacos. Her illustrations span from children's books to wall murals, and her clients include Netflix, Youtuve, Singapore Airlines, and Uniqlo. She spends her free time honing her skills as a petting expert with her dog Lola.
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