Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Mommy and Daddy's Day with T is for Time Travel by Stanlei Bellan

Every now and then, I post a review for a book, which is more for the mommies and daddies out there. After all, they like to read, too. These books do not contain matter or themes, which are any tougher than the usual young adult novel. In other words, these are not books which need to be hid under the bed or kept out of younger hands. 

Today's review hits a short story collection and reaches over time and space. I don't hit these very often and thought it sounded like an intriguing mix.

Let's see if it is!

by Stanlei Bellan
Imagilore Publishing
Short Stories / Science Fiction / Fantasy / Adventure
132 pages

Take the road less time traveled.

In this collection of ten stories, author Stanlei Bellan takes you on a rollicking journey through the timestream.

* Discover a lamp on the beach holding a genie that can grant you three...trips?
* Meet a veteran soldier assisting a mad scientist who is convinced he’s created the first time machine; a harmless delusion – until it works.
* Watch a 19th century lighthouse keeper find out what she’s willing to fight for, and then find a whole new world of trouble.
* Explore the dangers of time looping aboard a spaceship with an ensign who is stuck between duty and his conscience. Would you make the same choices?

T Is for Time Travel is a fun and fast-paced collection of timely short stories that will introduce you to characters you’ll love, thrilling adventures, and thought-provoking scenarios – with plenty of laughs along the way.

Are you ready to jump in – whenever it may take you?



When it comes to short story collections, I often find a few stories which are interesting and the rest...well, they slip off and are forgotten on the side. This collection, however, was a bit of everything.

There are ten stories, each one highlighting time travel in one way or another. They take place in very different times, very different settings, and with very different plots and themes. While this collection is written by one author, the tales hit a wide spread and make it impossible to guess what will be coming next. Some are slow paced, while others speed along with continuous action and interesting situations. Some build more on emotion and deeper thought, while others allow tension to take more control.  Even the plots spin with varying directions and the endings are as varied as can be. 

I did enjoy most of them. Those I didn't were more due to their slower plots or simply left me with a bit of confusion. But the writing sat in all of them, and the tales were always intriguing in their own way. Especially the last tale packs a punch, and left the collection off on a wonderful note.

Time travel fans will enjoy this one and are sure to find more than a few of the stories well worth the read.

And here he is...

Stanlei Bellan, like any respectable time traveler, has many stories to tell. Some of the most fun and witty are in his book T is for Time Travel. In other timelines, Stanlei has been a physics professor, an engineering graduate, a start-up entrepreneur, and a winner of six Cannes Lions awards for his creative work in advertising and entertainment. 

An immigrant from Brazil who was adopted by California, Stanlei is still learning how to bend time to fit his wife, two sons and a daughter, a cat, his business partners, and his many hobbies (like playing Dungeons & Dragons and uncovering fascinating historical facts). Stanlei's writing is inspired by an unquenchable desire to transcend reality into fantasy.

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