Monday, March 7, 2022

Review: Shattered by C. Lee McKenzie

 Happy Monday! I had a busy weekend and am a little late with today's post. This one comes from a favorite author of mine, whose writing never fails to capture me. Plus, isn't the cover amazing?

Anyway, here it is!

A Story of Betrayal and Courage
by C Lee McKenzie
Evernight Teen
Young Adult Contemporary / Thriller

Courage put Libby Brown into the final selection for the Olympics, but betrayal crushed her spine and her chance at the Gold. Now she has two choices, use her courage to put her life back together, or remain shattered forever.

GOODREADS   /   AMAZON   /   B&N   


Disappointment and finding new courage weave with touches of romance and a bit of mystery to create an exciting read with tons of heart.

Libby is on her way to the finals, and then, to the Olympics. It's her dream coming true, but during a last run to quiet her nerves before flying to Europe, a snowboard broad sides her, and she wakes up in a hospital room. She has no feeling in her legs, and it the hopes of recovery slip away day by day. Others, even some like her, offer their support in various ways, but it all boils down to she, herself, finding the will to go on, first, and that isn't easy, especially when the one responsible for the destruction of her dreams and future still hides in the shadows.

When I picked this one up, I did expect more of a thriller but was pleasantly surprised at how it digs into a more emotional direction of overcoming a huge setback and rediscovering meaning in life. The writing is gripping, comes across naturally, and rides along smoothly as Libby first suffers the accident, recovers, and then, goes on a journey to rediscover herself. It's easy to understand her feelings and reactions. She isn't all sunshine, but rather, holds remorse, disappointment and frustration close. The attitude is realistic and draws in.

There is a wonderful pool of support around Libby from family to new friends. I was a bit surprised that she didn't have any close friends before the accident, but the new ones are amazing and vivid. There also family problems woven in, which snuggle in nicely with Libby's plot and offer great messages on that end as well. As to the romance, it is there but is as unsettled as Libby's main plot theme and slides along more disconnected and never draws away from the main plot. 

Thrilling moments also exist as the chapters flip from Libby's point of view to those of the ones behind her accident. This adds a nice level of tension and side-plot, but still allows the main theme to remain on Libby's healing.

This was an easy read, which I read in one sitting and enjoyed every page. I do recommend it to those who like a bit of mystery and thrills with dabs at romance, but are more into emotional struggles and tales of finding inspiration to continue on.


Gina Gao said...

This is a great review! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad you liked Lee's book so much. I have it and hope to read it soon.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee will be happy with that review!