Sunday, July 28, 2024

Blitz Bullion Buster II: Cold Gold by Daryl Joyce

Today's read heads into adventure and a bit of mystery. It definitely promises excitement from beginning to end. Cold Gold  

Blitz Bullion Buster II
by Daryl Joyce
Clink Street Publishing
Middle Grade Adventure  /   Mystery 
174 pages
ages 9 to 12

After the success of their previous gold-hunting escapades, Faiza, Jack and Wade are looking forward to a quieter summer. But in the shadows, someone is keen to make sure their summer holidays are their last. After obtaining some irresistible clues, they are drawn into another thrilling hunt and dangerous chase. Following the trail of mysteries both old and new, they venture into even more death-defying adventures, both above and below ground. Will they survive long enough to find the elusive gold?



Fast-paced adventure mixes with mystery to create an exciting read.

Faiza, Jack and Wade were looking forward to a quiet-ish summer, but after their last adventure, they now have a target on their backs. When they discover a clue, which might lead to the still missing portion of the gold, they decide to go back on the hunt. But the closer they get to figuring things out, the more dangerous the situation becomes.

The first pages dive right into a deadly situation, and this sets the stage for this second adventure in the series. While the main villain has been captured, they are by no means safe, but they aren't about to hide or simply sit around. It's easy to root for all three friends as they try their best to stay one step ahead of everyone else. The clues are hard to decipher, keeping the tale interesting as they steer from one piece of the mystery to the next. And with every moment, it's clear that danger isn't far behind.

The writing flows as smoothly as the plot, and grabs in the more the story progresses. The danger is clear and the stakes high, but the author still keeps it appropriate for the intended age group. Readers will wish they could dive right into the mystery with these characters and be part of their small group. Especially action fans are sure to enjoy the quick pace and will wonder what is going to happen next.

And here he is, Daryl Joyce...

So, I’m an author now! How did I get here? I’ve always been interested in writing, but like most people always ‘meant to get round to it’. After reading books out to my Year 6 class in 2015 and realizing that I might be able to do just as well, I put finger to keyboard and began planning, The ideas came thick and fast and the hardest bit was working out what was interesting and what was.. chaff, for want of another word.


I remember writing when I was just five - a basic tale of how Santa had a lame reindeer and employed a donkey to help out. I wish I still had that story! So I grew up and almost forgot my dreams of writing. I left school, went on the Youth training scheme and got heavily involved in computers before I gave it up in my twenties to become a teacher! I’ve been teaching for a few decades now and whilst challenging and frustrating and hard work, it’s also very rewarding. I hope my years 6 classes over the years will agree! My current Year 6 class - dear Hockney Class - have also been my proofreaders and interestingly gave me lots of advice [most of it wanted] on extra ideas in the story.


Since my first book was published in 2022, I have been asked so many many times when the next one is out and I am pleased it has hit the shelves and screens at last. In answer to the next question, I have already started on the third in the trilogy but my teaching duties keep me away from the author process more than I would like!

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