Saturday, July 20, 2024

Keith the Croc That Lost His Teeth by Harry Fabler

Today's read seems to be a perfect fit for those readers, who are facing the loss of their baby-teeth. I find it a great fit, since my own household has been doing dentist visits this past week...although not for baby-teeth. I know my daughter wishes one of her teeth would just fall out so I new one could take its place. Too bad it doesn't quite work like that for us older peeps.

Anyway, let's take a look at this crocodile and see what the dentist might tell him. 

by Harry Fabler
Illustrated by Tincho Schmidt
Picture Book
24 pages
ages 4 to 8

We all love crocodiles, right?
And we all know that they have strong, spiky teeth, right?
Well… not always…

Keith is a young croc that lost his teeth as he grew up….
But he never gave up!!
Embark on Keith’s wonderful story to find out more!

Funnimals is a new series of children stories, lovingly crafted to celebrate friendship, embrace diversity, and boost self-confidence!



Keith is a crocodile to cheer for and, actually, sympathize with as he hopes to get his mighty teeth.

Keith is very proud of his lovely teeth. So when they start to fall out, one-by-one, he's ready to jump into panic, but a wise animal friend insists there's nothing to worry about. Not that Keith is convinced. After all, what's a crocodile without his teeth? 

This is a lovely read for those readers, who are in the process of loosing their baby-teeth and waiting for the adult ones to take their place. While they may not love their teeth as much as Keith does, his fear and anxiety is easy to understand and sympathize with. It almost makes a reader want to give him a hug. Especially the support of the other animals adds a wholesome flair, and there's a teeny, tiny touch of humor to keep things light and enjoyable. It's pretty clear where the plot is going, but the enjoyable atomsphere and message remains encouraging all the same.

The illustrations are colorful and carry a gentler tone to match Keith's disposition. After all, he's not a scary crocodile. They flow right along with the tale. The book is written in rhyme, which flows fine. It works as a read-aloud or can be read in a more individual, it makes a lovely gift for those anyone who is facing the loss of their baby teeth.

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