Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Mr. Lepron's Mystery Soup by Giovanna Zoboli

Today's read gives 'story time' vibes and promises to draw in with beautiful illustrations. And who doesn't love a good soup? This one has already been a favorite since 2022 in Italy (and other countries) and comes from a popular, Italian kidlit author, but  it will be appearing for the first time in English the beginning of October.

by Giovanna Zoboli
Illustrated by Mariachiara Di Giorgio
Candlewick Studio
Picture Book
48 pages
ages 4 to 8


Stunning artwork from the acclaimed illustrator of The Midnight Fair illuminates a sweet cautionary tale about a rabbit whose fabled soup-making gets away from him.

Mr. Lepron is a rabbit who lives in a cozy burrow with many offspring. Every year on the first day of autumn, he reaps vegetables from the farmer’s garden—carrots, onions, celery, beans, aromatic herbs, and much more—and makes the best soup on earth, adored by his family. As it simmers, he dozes and dreams of being a famous cook, hosted by kings. And sure enough, his soup is so good that it starts drawing creatures from all over—until one day a factory springs up in the woods, with Mr. Lepron presiding day and night and soup cans for sale in all the most renowned shops. But as demand rises, Mr. Lepron’s dreams become fretful, and soon he starts hearing complaints: his soup is not as good as it was. Has his recipe changed—or has Mr. Lepron? How can he recapture the joy he once shared with his family? Mariachiara Di Giorgio’s exquisitely detailed artwork appears lit from within as it captures the pastoral setting, a range of expressive forest animals, Mr. Lepron’s fitful dreamscapes, and the palpable sense of peace as he rediscovers what truly matters.



With gorgeous illustrations, this is a meaningful tale with characters to adore.

Every year, Mr. Lepron cooks a soup with the many vegetables he's harvested from his garden. Then, he invites every neighbor and friend he knows to enjoy it with him. Everyone looks forward to the day, especially since Mr. Lepron's soup is the most delicious one around. Everyone always wants to know his secret, although he claims there isn't one. When others start coming from near and far to enjoy a bowl of his delicious soup, he decides to start up a factory to keep up with the demand. He even needs to start charging for each can to pay for everything. His soup is soon found on every store shelf and enjoyed by many...or maybe not. As his business grows, the soup no longer carries the same delicious flavor, and Mr. Lepron isn't sure why.

This is a read to snuggle down with for a story time. The text is a longer than usual picture books, although it still works great for the intended age group as a read-aloud. For those, who are sure of their words, it can be read alone. It carries a more traditional story flow, beginning with the wonders of Mr. Lepron's garden and it's lush vegetables before heading into the ever-growing crowd, who enjoys his soup. The plot moves along steadily as Mr. Lepron's success and then problems build one step at a time. The ending message brings a sense of family and community, and feels like a happy sigh.

The illustrations are gorgeous and make the book worth picking up just to flip through them and enjoy. The details draw in and offer something new to be discovered with each read. The mix of both animal characters and humans adds a nice touch, adding to the imaginative atmosphere. 

It's a delightful read with traditional charm, and carries a message which never loses its importance.

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