Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Curse of the Crummy Mummy by Thomas Tosi

by Thomas Tosi
Illustrated by Meaghan Tosi
Dooney Press
Middle Grade Contemporary
274 pages
ages 8 to 12


Miss Sorenson's fifth-grade class at Green Hill Academy is going to make a movie... a mummy movie!

Brilliant but awkward Bernard Gawain is thrilled his crush, Bridget Matsumoto, has been cast as the leading lady, and he will be playing her hero. But this dream come true unravels when his domineering mother becomes the class substitute teacher and the film's tyrannical director.



Fifth-grade Bernard just wanted to hide the 'C' on the quiz from his mother but realized too late that flushing it down the toilet probably wasn't the best idea. His mother's disappointment and seemingly unreachable expectations aren't the only thing to deal. School life isn't a joke, either. But when his teacher decides to do a class project and make a movie out of one of his favorite series, things start to look up. That is...until his mother gets involved. 

Bernard is a fun kid in so many ways. He's not the greatest student, but he does try...he simply is distracted by other things and not a real study-bug. He's got a good heart, friends, and is humorous, too. From the toilet mistake onward, it's easy to want to be his friend even when it's clear things won't always go quite as planned. But then, it's exactly these silly twists which make the read fun.

The tale is quick-paced and entertaining, making it easy to stay in the pages and see what will happen next. There's quite a bit of character arc as Bernard has to work his way through the different situations and friendships...and for all things, his mother. While there are some clear messages, there's more than enough unexpected situations and humor to keep seriousness from bogging down. It creates a fun tale, which grabs from beginning to end.

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