Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What's Coming in August?

Hello, August! And where in the world did July go??? I've been running around all over the place this last month. Okay, it was more like driving. My eldest told me to unplug my phone and get my life back. Thank heavens I only use my cell is for when I'm underway. (A little issue when living in a valley is bad cell service). I can't imagine what it'd be like to be constantly at everyone's beck and call. Anyway, reading is a great get away, and I'll always find time to squeeze in several amazing tales.

This month is an odd month on the reading end. While I thought last month was going to be low on the picture books, I was wrong. This month is slimmer on those. Instead, I'm swinging much more toward middle grade and young adult reads. I also have several obvious themes, it seems. Time travel as well as dinosaurs are each getting a few books, this time. Mid-month, I have several books with main characters named Lizzie and Eliza on the schedule (what an odd coincidence!) There are also more nonfiction reads sliding into the mix than usual. Maybe, it's perfect for the upcoming school year?

But here's a peek so you can see some of them yourself.


I'm starting the month off with more serious tones and picking up this read, which mixes time travel with history and a touch of fantasy. This follows a best-selling novel, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and promises quite the adventure as friends in present day accidentally expose too much information to a voice from 1940, which ends up effecting time and changing the world as we know it. I'm curious to see how this tale weaves and will be revealing my thoughts on the 1st.

Middle Grade Time Travel Fiction


A heist adventure set in 1512 (yep, we're all about history this first week), and that involving the Vatican and Italy? Sign me up! I'm excited to grab an iced tea and relax with this read. Or maybe not so relaxed, since it should be exciting. I love a good heist tale with action and some mystery...not that I know if that's part of this read or not. Travel back into time with me on the 6th to find out if this one is well done or not.

Young Adult Historical Fiction


This read hits perfectly, since it happens to be National Cat Day on the 8th. Isn't that a nice coincidence...okay, it's planned, but still just as much fun. I'm ready to expand my knowledge about felines around the world and hope it's well done, too. I'll be sharing this one on guessed it! The 7th.

Children's Nonfiction


Time travel drives this read forward as it jets into adventure with Stinky Socks rules (?) I really have no idea what that means, but I'm ready to find out. This is part of a series (the first, maybe?- gosh, I have to do more research). But I love the thought of middle grade time travel with dinosaurs and some slap-stick comedy. Let's find out more about this one on the 8th.

Middle Grade Science Fiction


We've been enjoying chanterelles the last couple of weeks...there's so many growing in our forest! So, this book completely slides into our lane. My son is a mushroom fan, which also means I'll have high expectations for this one. I'm getting my basket and knife ready to explore this one on the 11th.

Picture Book


I'm ready for a little Fall, and this read slides exactly in that direction. It might be a bit early for Halloween (despite what stores believe), but the falling leaves and cooler temperatures are definitely on my radar. Plus, this one looks adorable, doesn't it? It's probably too early to grab a scarf, but I'll be heading into snuggly thoughts with this one on the 15th.

Picture Book


Every reading list must have, at least, one tale with chills and thrills, right? This one takes a gothic twist and focuses in on a haunted house as well as the loss of a sister. There might be some ghosts, angsty feelings, family drama, and who knows what else. I'm hoping it is well-woven and carries a wonderful, dark smoothness to taunt and lure in. Grab that flashlight because we'll be sneaking into this one on the 20th.

Young Adult Horror


This one is marketed as 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon meets Stand Up' and promises martial arts goodness and heart. Now, this one doesn't seem to head toward the sport side but rather slides into the film industry as a girl has the chance to perform next to her idol and finds herself in competition for the role with her arch-nemesis. We'll see how to does on the 22nd.

Middle Grade Contemporary 


Marvel is strengthening its hold in the chapter book realm, and this book is the first in a brand new series surrounding...well, isn't it obvious from the cover? I'm always thrilled to see books for this age group, which are sure to catch especially reluctant readers' eyes. I'm betting this one will draw some attention. Now, I'm not always a fan of books from large money-making endeavors. So, I'll be critical, too. I'm looking into this one on the 24th.

Chapter Book /   Graphic Novel


I might have been a bit prejudice when I ran across this one, since my family has run cattle for years, and I've tended my own small herd now for over a decade.  So, this hits my heart, and I hope it's a lovely read, too. We're headed into cowboy dreams on the 30th.

Picture Book

My review schedule, while I try to keep it somewhat organized, often becomes a bit of a mess. Thanks to changed publishing days, delays in the postal service, or simply reads which turned out to not be quite my thing, it's hard to know what exactly will happen each month. Plus, my review pile isn't exactly small. So, I always have a book or two (or three) at the top of my pile, which I really hope to get to and am ready to slide in when a sudden space appears. This month's joker read is...


It's been awhile since I've headed into the world of the fae. Plus, this cover drew my attention. Maybe, it's the sparkly title. Anyway, this is the third book in the series, and I haven't read the first two...which could mean I'm in for quite the jump. But I do seem to enjoy doing that. I'll be picking this one up and diving it....

Well, I have no clue when.

Young Adult Fantasy

1 comment:

Natalie Aguirre said...

You've got lots of interesting reads this month. Westfallen sounds intriguing.