Monday, July 1, 2024

What's Coming in July?

Did anyone else think that June was hot enough to count as July? It'd fit since the summer seems to be sliding by past me, anyway. I've been so busy renovating, splitting wood, and...honestly, I have no clue what else, but it's been very busy. 

I'm starting out this month by helping my daughter move down to Arkansas for med-school. The run should be quite the adventure considering it's her first time driving such a huge truck (Uhaul). And my youngest two and I will be driving two other vehicles, which will also be transporting a dog, two cats, and a 5-foot boa constrictor. We didn't think it'd be wise to put all of them in one vehicle. Luckily, it's only about 3- 3 1/2 hour drive. Totally do-able.

On the reading front, I have quite a few middle grade and young adult reads in my pile. Actually, a lot. Where are all the picture books? That means heavier reading hours for me, but I am looking forward to it. When glancing through the themes, I see a couple spooky reads and some magic, but mostly it appears to be a month of surprises. I'm going a little off the main-stream the next weeks and will be looking at a few with slightly unique vibes. So, it could be quite a bit of fun.

Before I babble more, here's a sneak peek:


With a hint of imagination, this picture book should explore the idea of community and joy of life. I was won over the second I saw the cover. I'm curious to see how the fantasy side weaves into reality, and if it's as enchanting as it claims to be. I'll see how it works on the 2nd.

Picture Book


I've read works from this author before, normally in the horror direction, and have enjoyed them. This one heads into the realm of science fiction. The blurb reminds me a bit of The Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury. I'm looking forward to see where this one heads because it promises to be packed with excitement and action. Join me on the 6th to learn more.

Young Adult Science Fiction


I immediately picked this one up when I saw it. It is a graphic novel about a boy, who dreams of building his own cabin and surviving out in the great outdoors. Alone. I'm getting all sorts of My Side of the Mountain vibes with this one and am excited to see how it plays out. There are mentions of environmental themes as well, so it should have quite a bit of adventure and depth. I'll be exploring it on the 8th.

Middle Grade Adventure   /    Graphic Novel


The blurb on this read reminded me of a popular children's story in Germany. A little girl wants to bring back color to a gray world. Instead of going up against an evil, secret society, this book places a girl against a corporation...or company...or something like that. I do hope it carries lovely illustrations and am curious to see how the story draws in. Find out more on the 12th.

Children's Fiction


I did review a book from this series not too long ago and found it to be well-done. So, when I saw that it's now coming out in graphic novel form, I decided to take a peek. It's always fun to see how the different book formats compare to each other. Find out all about it with me on the 13th.

Middle Grade Contemporary   /    Graphic Novel


Horse books have always found fans and seem to delight, especially at the chapter book and middle grade level, but I haven't seen many directed at YAers. So, I'm more than a little curious about this one. It's part of a series (the 6th book) and I'm going to jump right in with my usual, late style. Let's see how enjoyable it is on the 15th.

Young Adult Contemporary


I'm ready for a little silliness, and this book promises exactly that. A crocodile, who loses its teeth should offer all sorts of funny situations. I assume there's a message in these pages, too, but I'm hoping the humor doesn't dim because of it. We'll see if giggles are guaranteed on the 19th or not.

Picture Book


This historical fiction read is set during WWI and heads away from Europe toward the earlier Ottoman territories, especially Jerusalem. My daughter and I just covered this period in her history section (home schooling) and took an extra close peek due to the current situation in Israel. It will be interesting to see how this novel handle the topic. Let's head into history on the 20th.

Young Adult Historical Fiction


It takes some effort, but I can't forget to toss in a romance now and then. After all, what's summer without heart throbs and tender moments? This one should head in the romcom direction and be a friends into 'more' tale with all sorts of high school moments and issues tossed in. I'll see if I can squeeze this one in while sitting beside a pool or lake or...most likely...swimming hole. Find out more with me on the 24th.

Young Adult Romance


I ran across this one thanks to Twitter and discovered that this author has a lovely selection of works available. So many fun titles! This one came out a few years ago but received a reprinting last year. I'm excited to dive in and see what it's about. Tap dancing, maybe? I'll let the music play on the 28th and see what these pages have in store.

Middle Grade Contemporary

Every month, I stare at my book pile and wonder how in the world I'll ever get to every single one. I won't. It's that simple. So, after filling my schedule with what comes in first (I do a little picking and choosing but am very open minded, for the most part), I always have a couple that I really, really wish I could squeeze in somehow. This month isn't any different.


I am really jumping the gun on this read, since it won't appear on the shelves until March 2025. But the second I saw that cover, I was dying to get my hands on a copy. I'm hoping for magical fun and tons of imagination. With adventure? And richness? Yep, I have an image in my head and have a feeling this read might be exactly what I'm yearning for, at the moment. Even if it doesn't appear for more than half a year. 

But when will I get to it? Will I get to it?

We'll see!

1 comment:

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on your daughter going to med school. I'm super busy this summer too. Looks like you have some fantastic books to read this month. I'm curious about the last one too.