Monday, August 5, 2024

Happy Book Birthday, Missy Wants A Mammoth by Pam Vaughan!

Lately, I've had the desire for a little more humor in my shows and reads, and today's read should hold quite a bit of that. This one hits the market tomorrow (I'm celebrating a day early) and takes a look at a little girl's impossible wish. I wonder if she'll get her mammoth. Or maybe something else will happen? Let's find out! 

Missy & Mason #1
by Pam Vaughan
Illustrated by Ariel Landy
Pixel & Ink
32 pages
ages 4 to 8 

First-grader Missy pushes the bounds of her imagination—and her older brother Mason’s patience—as she lays out her plan for a new pet. A must-have for fans of Charlie and Lola and Olivia or anyone crafting a case for why they need a new animal addition to the family.

At the Museum of Natural History, first-grader Missy has a genius gigantic she wants a wooly mammoth as her new pet. She’ll name him Malcolm. They’ll take bubble baths with strawberry-banana shampoo, and go on picnics, and she’ll swing from his tusks. They’ll be best friends.

Older brother, Mason, spots one mammoth-sized problem with her plans. . . .

But once Missy gets an idea in her head, nothing (not even the fact that mammoths have been extinct for ten thousand years) is going to stop her from getting her fuzzy new friend.

Missy and Mason are a winning new pair for the canon of sibling stories—when Missy dreams a little too big, Mason is always there to help pull her back, and when practical Mason plays it too safe, Missy helps push him to think bigger—and Missy Wants a Mammoth is sure to charm in a massive way.

GOODREADS   /    AMAZON    /    B&N


This is one of those reads, which is simple, and brings laughs and smiles in all the right ways.

Missy and her brother are off to the museum, and she makes her wish very clear; she wants a mammoth of her very own. As they go through the museum, she doesn't waste a single moment as she explains all the wonderful reasons why having a mammoth would be awesome. Her brother keeps trying to tell her that her wish is impossible, but Missy isn't about to listen to him. Never.

The first page starts out with the single phrase 'I want a mammoth', and this launches the tale perfectly. Missy is an adorable girl with extremely fluffy red hair to match her big personality. There's not a drop of irritation or ill-intent in her as she hops through the museum, centered on her wonderful dreams. Her brother tries to remain patient while attempting again and again to reel her back towards reality. The back and forth between them is natural and sure to bring smiles, especially since listeners will understand the older brother's growing irritation.

The museum visit plays in the illustrations as the text follows the dialogue between the two siblings. Both work very well together and form the entertaining humor. It fits the age group nicely. This works well as a read-aloud or even for more sure readers to grab up on their own. 

It's a cute read with tons of humor and is sure to gain that wonderful word 'again'.

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