Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Stephen King: His Life, Work, and Influences by Bev Vincent

Hello! Maybe, some of you have noticed that I haven't been posting these rambles before the posts lately. Well, we were hit by two, pretty big storms last week, which not only fried my transformer (stupid lightening) but took out my Starlink in the process. It's dead, dead. Then, our road was completely in only back-packing in and out for about 5-6 days. So, life isn't quite as easy at the moment. I do hope to have the internet restored sometime next week, but until then, it's off to town, again, to sit at the local fast food place and type away. 

So, I thank you for your patience!

His Life, Work, and Infuences
by Bev Vincent
Becker & Meyer Kids
YA Biography
300 pages


A thrilling visual companion curated for young adults voraciously reading their way through Stephen King’s colossal corpus of creepy books.

For many young readers, when the last page of Goosebumps is turned, the first chapter of Pet Sematary begins, and a world of terror crafted by Stephen King is revealed. His novels are as fascinating as his life, and in this ultimate illustrated guidebook, young readers explore the cultural phenomenon and legacy of the King of Horror.

From scare-seeking child to impoverished university student to struggling schoolteacher to one of the best-selling—and most recognizable—authors of all time, this engrossing book reveals the evolution and influences of Stephen King’s body of work over his nearly 50-year career, and how the themes of his writing reflect the changing times and events within his life.

With tons of photos, approachable bite-size sections, and gripping details to captivate young readers, the book takes an extensive look into Stephen King’s books, short stories, writings, movies, series, and other adaptations ideal for the young reader to review. Exclusive memorabilia from Stephen King, including personal and professional correspondences, handwritten manuscript pages, book covers, movie stills, and a never-before-seen excerpts from his poems. Personal insights and observations such as real-life settings that inspired King’s writing, the editor who discovered him, his life as a Boston Red Sox fan, and the many awards and honors he has received. Motivating quotes from King from interviews over the decades.

“My childhood was pretty ordinary, except from a very early age I wanted to be scared…there was a radio program at the time called Dimension X, and my mother didn’t want me to listen to that because she felt it was too scary for me, so I would creep out of bed and go to the bedroom door and crack it open. And she loved it, so apparently, I got it from her, but I would listen at the door and then when the program was over, I’d go back to bed and quake.” —Stephen King
Young adults will covet this comprehensive yet accessible reference to their favorite horror author.


Fans of Stephen King or those who simply want to learn more about him, will find a treasure chest of information and insights in these pages and that in an engaging way.

This book starts at the beginning of Stephen King's career and follows each work he's released. Along the way, his life at the time the book was written or published comes to well as interesting information surrounding each book. It takes a peek not only at his personal life, to a certain extent, but some of his thoughts, influences, struggles, and experiences. It hits the emotional and practical side of writing. This isn't a writing guide, but rather, recounts the experiences he had during the release of all of these works...both the good and the bad.

I did appreciate that the timeline flows with the release of his various tales. It keeps a close bond to him as a writer, without feeling like a personal life story or like a writer's how-to, either. Instead, it keeps the attention on his stories while exposing everything that went into them...or the things happening around that time which added influence. And it's entertaining. The writing doesn't over-exaggerate, nor does it fall into the danger of becoming dry. This makes it very engaging for the intended age group (and adults as well).

I do recommend this not only for Stephen King fans but also for class themes surrounding his works. Plus, it works great for usual, curious readers.

1 comment:

Ms. Yingling said...

Oh, my goodness! They must have been big storms indeed! I know it will take some time to get everything up and running properly, but I hope the road becomes a bit more passable soon. Sending good thoughts.