Saturday, August 31, 2024

What's Coming in September?

Anyone else ready for Fall to finally show its head? We're still in the mid-90s with crazy humidity, but I'm snow dreaming. My mother used to sing Christmas songs around this time of year, claiming that the cool thoughts would help ease over the last hill into Autumn. While I don't believe I have any Christmas books this month...  Oh wait! There is one! But most are heading towards spookier thoughts as we slowly near October. Which is fine. I love mysteries, thrillers, and such reads, too. 

Looking at the pile, I'm going to be lighter on the young adult end and steer more toward picture books and middle grade. I have quite a few new releases and...this is really exciting...a couple interviews! There's some magic, some fantasy, some adventure, and a few nonfiction reads, too. Plus, all sorts of other things tossed in between.

I do try to stick to the schedule with the sneak peeks presented below but have found that this is getting tougher due to deliveries, release changes, life, and life again. So, please take these with a bit of flexibility in mind. 

Anyway, let's take a look at a few reads which are coming up the next month!

With Autumn slowly kicking in, thoughts of the upcoming holidays keep sneaking up on me. This read takes a look at various 'spooky' holidays around the world. I am curious to see what other countries do, since the only one I'm aware of is Halloween. So, I'm ready to learn something new. I'll be taking a look at this one right away, on the 1st.

Children's Nonfiction


I'm sticking to spooky vibes and will be taking a look at a mystery with a paranormal twist. It takes place in a deserted manor, which comes to life when the sun goes down and holds all sorts of dangerous and scary games. This book also takes a peek at an odd group of friends, who need to learn to work together to figure things out...or so it seems. Anyway, grab those flashlight because I'm visiting this one on the 3rd.

Middle Grade Horror


Ready for pure fun and humor? I am, and that's why I'm excited to dive into these pages. This is one of three books, which chronicle the quirky adventures of this odd crew. I'm hoping to laugh and smile with this one on the 5th.

Picture Book


Of course, I'm not completely ignoring the young adult audience out there this month and have a spooky read for them, too. This one takes an Indian legend twist (it appears) and dives into the haunting of dark, murky water. Sounds a bit different, right? Well, if I understood this correctly, the heroine sees the eerie water everywhere. At the same time, people are disappearing. So, I'm expecting this one to head into creepy pure. Let's find out together on the 9th.

Young Adult Horror


I'm super excited about this one. Debbie Ridpath Ohi is not an unknown name in the picture book world, and I have enjoyed more than a few of her works. With the release of her latest, I've actually gotten the honor to have her pop by for an interview (well, not physically but you know what I mean). So, we're in for a real treat on the 12th!

Picture Book


Grab that detective gear because this one heads off into mystery pure...and that fitting to the Autumn season! I do enjoy a good mystery and hope that this duo does a terrific job at discovering the truth. I really don't know much about it but find the cover more than a little inviting. Plus, it gives off a refreshing vibe. I'm ready to look for clues with these two on the 14th.

Middle Grade Mystery


I can't totally forget romance, can I? This read takes a look at the internet-stardom world and pits two, very different influencers in a game for tons of money. It should be an enemies to lovers tale, and I'm hoping it's packed with tension and a bit of humor, too. It's the first in a series, and I'll be taking a peek at it on the 17th.

Young Adult Romance


Can't have a month without, at least, one graphic novel. This one caught my eye immediately. It comes from an already popular tale and transforms it into visual form. It's about a boy, his dog, and a ton of turkeys...which sounds absolutely amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing what this adventure holds on the 21st.

Middle Grade Historical


Not only did the picture catch my attention (see those Venus Flytraps?), but the tale sounds interesting. It's about a young girl, whose purple thumb saves a garden...or something like that. It might hold spooky vibes? Or it might be bittersweet? Maybe, there's a little emotional twist? We'll find out on the 26th.

Picture Book


Written by an Egyptologist, this book promises to bring Egyptian myths and legends to life. This isn't my strongest area, so I'm looking forward to learning more. I'm hoping to find more than a few interesting illustrations, too. I'll be looking into this one on the 30th month.

Middle Grade Nonfiction

Every month, I have a few books 'in waiting' and really hope to squeeze them in at one point during the month. Since I am shorter on YA, this time, I happen to have one near the top of my pile, which I am looking forward to grabbing up. But when will I get to it? Who knows!


Starting in 1801, this read twists into the historical fiction direction and follows a teen as she's thrown into the world of finding a suitor. Well, obviously it's not her who makes this decision but her father. And that's the issue, since he's been using her poetry skills for his benefit. Throw in the approach of the French army and Napoleon's march into the Weimar Republic, and this, hopefully, will be a very engaging read.

And I have no idea when I'll get to experience this adventure, but I am determined to find the time.

1 comment:

Natalie Aguirre said...

This is a perfect time of year to start reading spookier stories. We've had a few days of 90's here but we're cooling off into delightful 70's temperatures. It's great for getting projects in my yard done.