Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Happy Book Birthday, Dinosaurs in Space by Todd Sturgell!

 Happy September and a happy book birthday! This read should mix nonfiction and humor...and space adventure???

Let's find out!

by Todd Sturgell
Sourcebooks Explore
Picture Book Nonfiction
40 pages
ages 5 to 10

Dinosaurs and Life in Space–c'mon, what could be a funnier combination? And what a rip-snorting rocket ride it is in this three-story collection chronicling the hilarious adventures of the dino-denizens of Planet Meatball and Plant Lettuce. For kids ready to move into read-alone books, this provides perfect fuel for developing independent reading, with a galaxy of laughs to boot!



Dinosaurs are proven to be in space...well, at least, somewhat and with an extra sprinkle of imagination, it becomes even more fun.

This is a nonfiction book about dinosaurs, which stretches its wings into humor and creeps to the very edge of science fiction without really going over it. It begins with the introduction of an Austroraptor and goes on to introduce several other dinosaurs, explain the periods with a timeline, address the theory of dinosaurs evolving into birds, and then, presents the asteroid destruction theory. And that's where things start really taking a turn into silliness.

A never-seen narrator explains all of this to a small group of dinosaurs, who are more than willing to ask questions and let their imaginations fly free. From the very beginning, it's clear that while this goes over dinosaur basics, it's by no means a serious, dry read. In some ways, it reminds me of The Monster at the End of This Book by Jon Stone but with much, much more mixed in than just silliness. The humor mounts and mounts in these pages until it takes over...and it's so wonderful when it does!

These dinosaurs are fun. Their energy beams from the page, and it's hard not to wonder when they'll simply let all caution to the wind and jump into a spaceship for sheer fantastical adventure. This would be a fun group to head into space and beyond with. At times, it does feel chaotic, but that fits to the entire atmosphere. 

On the more substance end, this presents a few dinosaurs without digging overly deep. The various time periods are also mentioned but never really go beyond the quick address. The evolution of dinosaurs into birds is given a tiny bit more time, but again, everything carries on rather quickly. There are also a few extra facts at the back, including a glossary for terms.

It's a fun read and will slide in well with especially the younger end of the suggested audience.

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