Friday, September 13, 2024

How to Make a Sandwich by Lorena M Proia

 Today's read heads in the food direction... Isn't that enough to make a person smile? And the cat on the cover. After reading the blurb, I'm expecting that this will be a very, sneaky cat. Will it be a humor packed read? Or carry some important messages? Honestly, I don't know. So, let's dive in and find out.

by Lorena M. Proia
Picture Book
32 pages

Making a sandwich is fun and easy! And Rae knows just how to do it. The bread is like the parents, it keeps the sandwich safe and happy. The turkey is the love, the lettuce is the fun. But every time Rae adds an ingredient, it disappears, and she soon realizes there is a sandwich-stealing thief intent on eating her creation!

​Will Rae ever get to eat her lunch? Suddenly making a sandwich isn’t so easy after all!



Cat antics mix with hungry expectations to create a cute read, which guarantees more than just a couple smiles.

Rae can be all sorts of things. Sometimes, she's an artist, while others, she's a scientist. Today, she's going to be a chef because she's hungry. Luckily, she knows all about sandwich making...well, somewhat, anyway. Making a sandwich can't be that difficult, especially since she has all the necessary ingredients. But somehow, the simple task soon becomes very complicated.

While the first pages start out simple enough, a full story soon unfolds and creates a nice, story time read-aloud. Rae loves explaining and talking while making a sandwich. The constant gabbing is cute and makes her adorable as she tells the cat all sorts of things. Meanwhile, the cat has food on the mind, and what a sneaky kitty it is! This will have readers giggling, especially when Rae's frustration grows and grows. Her family members also come in to add a sense of warmth and love, while adding a fun touch to Rae's growing problem. It creates a natural moment and brings enough familiarity to gain sympathy.

The illustrations are detailed and let subtle humor glide into the familiar scenes. The text is a little longer and builds out a lovely, rounded tale while making each character come across realistically.

It's a fun read with heart and does leave off with good vibes and satisfaction.

And here she is...

When Lorena graduated years ago with a BFA in Graphic Design and Painting, she never imagined she’d become an Information Architect in high-tech. She thought her creativity was lost until she was rescued by an Australian Shepherd named Phebe. Inspired by Phebe’s antics, Lorena started drawing again, leading to the creation of Phebe-n-Me, a t-shirt company that eventually blossomed into a children’s book!

1 comment:

Lorena Proia said...

Thank you for the review! I'm so glad you liked it!