Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Happy Book Birthday, Giddy Barber Explodes In 11 by Dina Havranek!

I get to shout-out another book birthday today! Well, this one actually hit the shelves yesterday, but today counts, too, right? 

This read heads into teen issues and a girl, who has always been 'good' but simply can't handle the pressure anymore. It's been getting great reviews, so I'm curious to dive in and see what it holds.


by Dina Havranek
Peachtree Teen
YA Contemporary
352 pages

Giddy Barber knows with certainty she’s going to become a mechanical engineer. What she doesn't know is the last time she smiled.

With her parents overworked and unavailable, it falls to Giddy to make sure her siblings stay on track. But she’s exhausted. When you’re the person everyone else turns to, what do you do when you hit a wall?

Giddy finds an answer online—if you can’t handle how things are going, shake them up. Is it sound advice? Unclear. But is Giddy willing to try anything? Absolutely. Putting eleven days on the clock, she’ll change her routine. But soon it becomes clear that some problems are bigger than what an online column can fix—her family is fracturing, her anxiety is mounting, and all she knows is this: Something. Has. To. Give.

In Dina Havranek’s Giddy Barber Explodes in 11, a long-time teacher dives into the issues of depression, overwork, and lack of support many of her students are dealing with. In a results-obsessed society, how much are we demanding of teens? And what happens when their burdens become too much?

GOODREADS    /    AMAZON    /     B&N


With potency and honesty, this read brings to light the stress of trying to hold everything together when it's already falling apart. 

Giddy is the glue in her family and tries to keep everything running while her parents do their best to handle their jobs and support the large family. She steers her siblings through life, contributes heavily in the household, stays a good student, and simply is in over her head. While she knows she's sinking fast, her stomach acts as a constant reminder of how bad the stress truly is. Online advice has her ready to change things up, but there's more going on than a little shake up can help.

The problem of balancing school, family, friends, and other expectations is often overlooked in the realm of teens, and this novel exposes this issue loud and clear. Giddy is an amazing person, and her determination to help her family is inspiring...even if it's more than she can (and should) handle as a fifteen/sixteen-year-old. The constant chaos is revealed in an entertaining and pointed way, making it easy to sympathize with Giddy as she finds herself sinking deeper and deeper into the unsurmountable problems and responsibilities. The situations come across naturally and realistically, making it easy to relate to her struggles and world. 

The tale maintains a steady pace the entire way through as Giddy deals with one situation after the next. There are several important messages and also food for thought. More than a few readers will see themselves in Giddy and relate with her struggles, fears, and hopes. It's an engaging read for fans of teen problems, family relations/struggles, and books with tons of heart.

And here she is...

Dina Havranek hails from Houston, Texas where she teaches Science to the excellent students at Timberwood Middle School. A former TV news reporter and local actress, she loves being on stage and has been a speaker at the DFW writers conference where she is a regular attendee. She lives with her husband, her daughter, an out-of-control Lego collection and a pair of extremely ungrateful cats.

Connect with Dina Havranek

1 comment:

Ms. Yingling said...

Do you think this would also appeal to middle school readers?