2024 is coming to a close. And what a reading year it has been! Before I take a peek at how many books hit Bookworm for Kids this year (and get into a few, little number things), I'm going to say that this year was very hard to keep up with...and so worth the stress.
I've discovered many wonderful reads and met many amazing people along the way. The writing community isn't just a supportive and caring realm on the writer's level, but the publicists, marketers, and publishers are as enthusiastic and kind as the authors. From independent authors to the Big 5, I'm always amazed at how honest and kind almost everyone in this business is...at least, that I've run into.
Then, there are the readers, who take the time to pop in and read my babblings. Yep, YOU! I can't even begin to express how touched I am that you take a few seconds from your day to actually read my thoughts and whatnots. I'm, honestly, astounded time and again at how much the readership constantly grows...especially with this tiny, little blog. Which also means I'm hoping to further my horizons soon. But that's still in the works with nothing concrete quite yet. Anyway, thank YOU and I am more than honored that you're all there.
Before I babble anymore (because wrap-up posts tend to be a bit on the longer side), let's hit those numbers.
I divide my reads into five categories: picture books, chapter books, middle grade reads, young adult novels, and graphic novels. Every year, picture books out number the rest, and I'm assuming that isn't any different this year. Why? Honestly, I love picture books, but there's a practical reason, too. I can read those much faster than a 300+ page novel, and posting a review a day would be impossible if it weren't for all those picture books sliding in.
Picture Books: 121
Chapter Books: 37
Middle Grade: 78
Young Adult: 41
Graphic Novel: 31
That makes for a grand total of 308 reads.
See, I was a bit lazy this year and missed a few days.
I'm going to skip genre statistics this year. Instead, I'll just say that I've seen a slight shift away from fantasy in middle grade to contemporary, humor, and historical. All ages and genres (except for young adult) have become more 'social' driven. I wish there were more reads, which were written for the purpose of having fun and letting the imagination take flight. I've seen more fart/barf/burp humor hitting my inbox for next year's reads...not sure what I think of that. Otherwise, science fiction is low as usual, but there seemed to be more historical based fiction in various genres. But those are just my thoughts.
And that brings us to the best part of today's post....my Favorites of 2024.
But I also had a tough time choosing my absolute favorites with especially one of these groups this year. It could just be my reading mood. While there were plenty of 'good' reads, I wasn't really dazzled as much as I hoped to be for that age group.
But here we go!
The easy-to-read-along repetition mix with a super cute mouse, adorable
forest animals, and every growing, silly chaos make this one irresistible.
With a journey through the animal kingdom, these
pages introduce young readers to how and why various animals sleep they way they do while
heading through an enjoyable rhyme to ease young sleepy-heads into bedtime dreams.
and this read inspires on that note and more. It's a book to get lost in, and not
only for the younger readers. Even the message will hit different age levels in
different ways, and invites all in.
This read is for rich, fantasy fans as it follows a child into an alternate, maze-based world.
There is danger, tension, lots of imagination, and even a hint of Greek mythology.
High-action with spy thrills make this one a fast-paced read...and a little cultural
goodness is mixed inside, too.
Nonfiction mixes with mysterious and odd bits from history, science, and more.
Teen homelessness, abuse, drug addiction, and more meets a touch of magic
for a read, which gets to the heart.
Historical fantasy mixes with romance and royal intrigue in an
action-paced read, which weaves in so much more.
Heading into an often overlooked historical moment, this brings in high-tension,
intrigue, and heist excitement.
And that wraps up this year! Pop-up tomorrow to see what 2025 will hold.
I am definitely glad to see a trend away from SO MUCH fantasy. There shouldn't be over half of the titles being published that are fantasy stories, especially when they inevitably come in a five book series. I do like that we are seeing more stand alone fantasy titles. Hope you have a happy 2025! Keep reading!
I had to smile at your comment because I was just thinking last night that it'd be nice to have fantasy stories with one book. As if one book can't be enough. Have a happy New Year!
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