Friday, December 27, 2024

Secret Factopia! by Paige Towler

With all of the activities during the holidays, sitting down for a longer read can be challenging. That's where a book like today's read can slide in with style. These pages should pack tons of short facts without diving into deep detail. Maybe it will be chaotic? Maybe a little random? I have no idea, so let's take a look. 

Follow the Trail of 400 Hidden Facts
by Paige Towler
Illustrated by Andy Smith
Britannica Books
Children's Nonfiction
208 pages
ages 8 to 12

Follow an ingenious trail of 400 facts about everything from secret recipes and escape artists to hidden treasure and invisibility cloaks.

You’ll meet an underwear-stealing cat, find out about sharks that glow, uncover a toilet in disguise, and learn about the biggest ever game of hide-and-seek. And the facts aren’t the only secrets in this book, for hidden among the illustrations are ten mice just waiting to be found!

Lavishly illustrated with witty illustrations that combine artwork and photography, and verified by the experts at Encyclopaedia BritannicaSecret FACTopia! sheds light on some of the world’s most amazing “hidden” facts, which kids will be desperate to share with their friends and family.

Index included.

GOODREADS    /    AMAZON    /    B&N


 Lots of interesting, quirky, or odd facts come across in super short bursts, one right after the other to create tons of fun.

These pages hold many facts (400 according to the title). None take a very deep dive but rather bring across the information clearly and concisely in only a few words. A wide variety of themes are taken into the spotlight to offer something for almost everyone. While some of the facts might already be known, others broaden the knowledge horizon. It's a rich hodge-podge of information and brings along a touch of chaos while holding a small string of organization. Each fact holds something, which is loosely related to the next. 

The facts are mostly typed inside small boxes, which are connected by a dashed line. By reading the facts according to the path, which zigzags across the page in a variety of directions, readers can follow the general train of subjects and thoughts. Every now and then, a path forks off the main one and indicates an alternative page, where the facts follow a different (but related) theme than the main path. This opens up to some flipping fun. 

The illustrations are bright and bold, adding a nice touch as they play along with the facts. There are even ten mice hidden in the illustrations to add a little extra activity. 

All in all, it's a great book for anyone wanting to bounce entertaining facts between their siblings or friends, and it works nice to build up a knowledge of facts that can be spit out suddenly to amaze others. There were a few 'facts', which definitely hit the theory or two which aren't even considered to be true anymore by knowers. But that doesn't ruin the fun or even make almost all of these worth learning and discovering.

Fact lovers will enjoy picking this one up.

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