Thursday, February 6, 2025

Don't Squish a Slug by Yussef Rafik

Good morning, everyone! Some of you might have noticed that I've been a bit absent as of late. I was hit with a double-whammy of flu viruses, and that knocked me out cold. But things are, finally, looking up, which is very good because I might have drown under my reading list if things carried on for much longer. 

I bet a lot of you are being roughed up by this year's flu season, too, aren't you? (I've been hearing it's quite the nasty beast, this year)

Anyway, I'll be squishing and shoving things around for the next few days to get back into the flow of things, but we'll get it worked out. 

What better way than to start with bugs? Not sick-bugs (that's what my kids called viruses and such), but real bugs! 

by Yussef Rafik
Illustrated by Riley Samels
words & pictures
Middle Grade Nonfiction
62 pages
ages 7 to 12

FEBRUARY 18th!!!

Learn all about how amazing bugs and minibeasts are in this detailed guide to over 40 small creatures from around the world. Bugs and minibeasts may be small, sometimes slimy, and maybe a little scary, but they are AMAZING and deserve respect and empathy.

Don't Squish A Slug will show you everything you need to know, and more, about why bugs are the most important creatures on the planet, even if they may not look it!

For example, did you know that there are bugs who. . .

Use disguise to blend in with their surroundings
Bugs who have come up with clever defence tactics to keep themselves safe
AND bugs who have broken world records?

Or, did you know that. . . 

The Taurus Scarab Beetle is the strongest insect in the world and can pull 1,141 times its own body weight – which is the equivalent of a human lifting six double-decker buses!
Or. . . that the Banana Slug has anesthetic slime, so if you were to lick one your tongue would go numb!

Learn about how awe-inspiring bugs really are in Don't Squish A Slug. Written by zoologist, conservationist and wildlife TV presenter Yussef Rafik and illustrated by Riley Samels (who makes every bug look cool), Dont Squish A Slug is a treasure-trove of expert information and quirky, retro illustrations for young readers to enjoy. 

So. . . don’t squash a spider, don’t step on ants and definitely don’t squish a slug



Bugs hit these pages with an impressive parade of abilities and amazing facts, which show how splendid many of these tiny creatures really are.

Already the Table of Contents sets the stage for fun by dividing the presented bugs into categories such as 'Masters of Disguise', 'Daring Defense', and more. Each bug receives an entire page of well done illustrations, which not only highlight its special abilities and aspects, but put it in surroundings which touch upon its uniqueness. While there are a few well-known bugs, most are unique. So, there's sure to be new facts for even well-versed bug fans.

Unlike many insect books, these pages aren't only about facts but try to build a respect for the insect world. To do this, the author presents each one with a hint of awe and excitement, while bringing across the information. Still, it's not overly dramatic, either. The special attributes and facts surrounding each type of insect are delivered in short paragraphs placed over the page. These are written for the younger end of the middle grade audience, steer away from heavier jargon, and bring across the information with energy. It makes it easy to read and digest.

At the end of the book, there's a glossary with several terms and an index helps readers look up specific bug types, if desired.

This is one young bug fans and fact-curious readers are going to want to take a peek at.

And here they are...

Yussef Rafik is a zoologist and wildlife TV presenter. A self-confessed nature nerd, he loves nothing more than to get outside and immerse himself in the natural world. Yussef is one of the main presenters on BBC Earth Kids where he hosts a show called Bugface. 

Riley Samels is an illustrator who lives in New Haven, Connecticut where he Illustrates pop-up greeting cards daily. Riley is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and allows this and other minority communities to inspire and fuel his work to amplify unheard voices. In his free time, he is probably tending to his collection of 112 (and growing) plants. Riley has a green thumb with a passion for illustration, social justice, traveling, and good food.

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