Today's read heads into a parallel world and explores the myth surrounding yetis...I think. At least, that's the vibe I'm getting from the cover and blurb. I'm hoping this read will be one for those warmer, Spring days...or better nights. Maybe in a tent? On the porch? It's giving off a wonderful, forest atmosphere and screams outdoor adventure. Plus, I love that it's only around 120 pages.
So, let's see if this one is spooky, scary, or simply fun.
(Oh! And this is my first time participating in the MMGM group! I've peeked in on them for years and have always enjoyed the reading suggestions. So, head on over there to discover exciting and interesting middle grade reads every Monday - HERE)
by Stacey Bartlett
Monarch Educational Services
Middle Grade Fantasy
121 pages
ages 8 to 12
“There’s mysterious creatures lurking in them there woods…”
Twelve-year-old Nicky is a gamer, and hanging out online with her bestie, Winnie, is her favorite pastime. The only thing she’d love more would be to meet up IRL. The dream comes true when Gram and Gramps invite Nicky, Winnie, and Nicky’s little brother, Ben, to visit them in the North Carolina mountains one summer.
The dream quickly turns into a nightmare, however, when they go hiking at a state park and stumble through a portal into a very strange world. This is no ordinary mountain. It is home to Boojums, Wampus Cats, and other creatures straight out of North Carolina myth and legend. It will take all of the kids’ teamwork and courage to find their way home—or they’ll be trapped on Monster Mountain forever!
Twelve-year-old Nicky is a gamer, and hanging out online with her bestie, Winnie, is her favorite pastime. The only thing she’d love more would be to meet up IRL. The dream comes true when Gram and Gramps invite Nicky, Winnie, and Nicky’s little brother, Ben, to visit them in the North Carolina mountains one summer.
The dream quickly turns into a nightmare, however, when they go hiking at a state park and stumble through a portal into a very strange world. This is no ordinary mountain. It is home to Boojums, Wampus Cats, and other creatures straight out of North Carolina myth and legend. It will take all of the kids’ teamwork and courage to find their way home—or they’ll be trapped on Monster Mountain forever!
The forest holds all sorts of creatures, and some should only exist in nightmares.
Nicky is a gamer through and through, and wishes that she could switch reality for the gaming world. Her best friend shares this opinion...not that Nicky's ever met her in real life. But that's about to change. When Nicky's grandparents agree to let Nicky, her younger brother, and her best friend finally come together at their place in the mountains, there's no doubt that it will be the best time ever. Thanks to the forest and mountains, there are more than a few things to explore. During one of their hikes, Nicky's brother disappears through a crack in a boulder, and the trio discovers an entirely new world. Here, the creatures are as monstrous as the ones in the video games...but here, they are real.
This book reminded me just a little bit of Journey to the Center of the Earth but with middle grade goodness and family wholesomeness woven in. Nicky is a gamer, and her desire to spend every waking moment in the virtual world is something readers will identify with. Her positive personality and interactions with her younger brother make her likeable, and especially her grandfather comes across as someone a reader would like to meet. All of this is built up nicely in the first half of the book, letting readers go on realistic adventures surrounding hikes, clog dancing, and more before the more fantastical side settles in. Once it does, the book shifts into high gear and lets fantasy fly.
Action propels every page forward after the trio (and their cute dog) fall into the other realm. Giant spiders, lava, saw-beak birds, and more give them little time to rest as they try to find their way back to the crack in the boulder. Dialogue drives the tale forward, allowing the personalities of the characters to shine and keeping longer scene descriptions at bay. Yet, the author builds exciting surroundings and horrible creatures vividly enough to easily picture each one. The trio learns not only to work together but has to improvise in ways, which grab back to their gaming knowledge and force them to innovate enough to meld it into real life.
It's an exciting story, especially when the other realm appears. There are messages surrounding teamwork, friendship, trust, loyalty, family and more. There's also some added information surrounding mushrooms, clogging, and such, which cleverly slide in some lesser known facts along the way. So, at only 120 pages, this book packs in quite a bit and will delight action, gamer, and monster fans.
You can learn more about Stacey Bartlett HERE
This sounds a fun story, I love the idea of all those monsters waiting in a forest and the skills that work in a game may not apply in real life... I must add to my TBR. With so many great books to read, shorter books are appealing to me more these days so 120 pages is another bonus! Thanks for the recommendation!
Looking forward to reading this one!
I'm so glad you joined MMGM this week. I love that this is so short and action-packed. And it's cool that it ties into gaming, which kids really like. Thanks for sharing it this week!
Shorter books are a blessing for those quick reads!
Hope you enjoy.
Thanks for giving me that last needed shove to join!
I've added this one to my TBR list thanks to your positive review. I also like shorter stories as the trend of MG books over 280 pages for this age group doesn't work for everyone. I hope you will join us again on a future Marvelous Middle Grade Monday.
Welcome to MMGM! This sounds like a lot of fun. Here is Oregon, we have Bigfoot legends, so I'd love to learn about the North Carolina legends. I can see this really appealing to kids and juxtaposition of a gamer in a survival type situation is definitely intriguing!
Welcome to MMGM and what a GREAT review of Monster Mountain!
That's so nice to hear (put a smile on my face). Now, I can only hope you like it. And I've been shoving my future schedule around to make sure I get in as often as possible. Thanks for letting me in!
Thanks! Bigfoot does seem to like getting around.
Thank you! So nice to meet everyone!
Set in NC? Too wild. As I kid, I would've loved this.
Welcome to MMGM! Really enjoyed your review. Teens will really get lost in this story! I enjoy the programs about Big Foot on the History Channel.
Big Foot is such an interesting legend!
I can see this one sending kids on a Big Foot hunt.
Sounds like a great adventure, for those new to great adventures! I hope it does well for the author.
Thanks for highlighting this new to me book. So happy you joined in on MMGM's Looking forward to reading more of your reviews.
This sounds great. I love to pick up a short book that I can read in an afternoon, especially when it packs a punch. Thanks for the heads up on this. I'll look for it.
Hadn't heard of this book, but it sounds like a great read. Short and action-packed are great qualities in a MG book!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
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